Our schools feature Kaplan’s Learn Every Day™ curriculum, a state-approved program developed by top early childhood educators. The interactive curriculum has a component for infants, toddlers, and twos as well as our preschool students. The program’s ProFile Planner tool for teachers guides them through developing new learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate, culturally relevant, and of course, interesting and fun! Our teachers use the curriculum to stimulate learning in a child-directed environment.
Learn Every Day™ has a built-in assessment feature to help us answer specific questions about a child’s knowledge, skills, behavior, personality, and readiness for progressing to the next level. Kaplan’s assessments incorporate the most recent findings in early childhood practices and are based on 35 years on research and knowledge. We use the assessment features to help your child learn and grow. We look forward to speaking with each parent about their child’s progress!
If you have any specific questions about the curriculum and progress measurement, please reach out to the school’s Director or contact info@achildsworldnc.com.