Being a working parent comes with its own set of challenges (like not enough hours in the day!). One of the most important things a parent can do is forgive themselves for making the odd mistake – it’s not easy trying to fit everything life throws at you in. Here are a few work-life balance tips to keep in mind.
- Plan and prepare. Get things ready the night before as much as possible to help save time in the mornings. Have the kitchen cleaned and breakfast already planned out and prepared, clothes laid out (for you and the kids), and make sure backpacks are ready and lunches have been made.
- Digitize when possible. You can make use of the internet to do your primary grocery shopping and arrange for it to be delivered, to pay the bills and set up automatic direct debit payments, and to read product reviews to cut down on the time spent looking around shopping centers.
- Make a family calendar. A calendar, displayed in a hard-to-miss central location, will help you stay ahead of the game while teaching your kids the importance of organization. You can color code family events and chores by family member.
- Connect with others. Connecting with other working parents and bonding over your children or shared interests can help the work day go by easier. There are also plenty of activities on the weekends for kids that will allow you to socialize with your friends and kids together.