Making the Most of Summer Family Time

Making the Most of Summer Family Time Today, many parents are working harder than ever and still may find they don’t have the budget or time for a big vacation this summer. If this is the case in your household, you can still find lots of fun, local activities to do with the kids that… Read more »

Sunglasses and Eye Health Tips

Sunglasses and Eye Health Tips In the warmer months, it can be second-nature to apply tons of sunscreen on our children to protect their skin from the harmful effects of the sun. But many times, as much attention as we give to their skin, we often overlook another area that can be damaged by the… Read more »

Spring Break Tips for Families

Spring Break Tips for Families Spring break is coming up and many families are looking forward to a change of scenery. It’s a good time to introduce your kids to a whole new season of exploration and fun. Wherever you might be headed, we have a few tips that will make the break a little… Read more »

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Kids

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Kids Valentine’s Day is a fun and sweet holiday for kids that offers multiple opportunities for families to celebrate together. We have a few ideas for you to consider. Create special treats. Festive and heart-themed cookies, cupcakes, and cakes will surely get the little ones excited! Come up with a signature… Read more »

Teaching Children About Dental Health

Teaching Children About Dental Health  It’s never too soon to teach your children about the importance of good oral health and get them in to a routine that will carry them throughout their lives. While some children will take to the task at hand easily and without much fuss, everyone learns differently and may take… Read more »

Tips for Surviving Snow Days with Kids

Tips for Surviving Snow Days with Kids Surviving snow days stuck at home can be a challenge. Below are a few ways to avoid cabin fever and help you enjoy your family time at home. Keep a special collection of goodies hidden away in case you need them. Hit the local dollar store and stock… Read more »

Making New Year’s Resolutions as a Family

Making New Year’s Resolutions as a Family With the new year starting, many of us will make life improvement goals. While parents benefit from New Year’s resolutions, our children can also learn about the value of making goals and self-discipline. Here are a few tips on how to help your kids benefit from making resolutions… Read more »