How much do you know about Father’s Day?

How much do you know about Father’s Day? Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in the month of June. The first Father’s day on record was June 19, 1910. It was created by Washington’s State, Sonora Dodd for his father William Smart. William Smart was Civil War veteran and raised his six children as… Read more »

Celebrating Dad on Father’s Day

Celebrating Dad on Father’s Day Father’s Day is just around the corner on the third Sunday in June, so it’s time to get ready for Dad’s big celebration. Here are some great gift ideas that are easy to make. Make a special baseball plate. With just a few items, you can create a unique gift… Read more »

Are Your Kids Getting Enough?

Are Your Kids Getting Enough? Most parents worry about their kid’s nutrition. Often mealtimes are a battle for what kids want versus what they need.  And who can’t relate to that, right? So, increase simplicity and decrease stress. Save time, money, and health by shopping the perimeter of the grocery store, and stock the pantry… Read more »

Sun Safety Tips

Sun Safety Tips Summer time is here, school’s out and it is really getting hot out there! Making sure your family stays protected in the heat is important in order to avoid any sun damage or heat-related illness. Here are a few sun safety tips to keep in mind while having fun in the sun…. Read more »

Barbecue Safety for Small Children

Barbecue Safety for Small Children Finally! This long winter seems to be coming to an end and summer is just around the corner. Summer means warmer days, longer evenings and of course barbecues. Some parents are a little leery of barbecuing with small children under foot but with some simple precautions there’s no reason you… Read more »

How To Prevent Eye Injuries in Small Children

How To Prevent Eye Injuries in Small Children The first week in July was National Prevention of Eye Injuries Awareness week and a great time to talk to the kids about eye health and playing safe. It is also not a coincidence that this awareness campaign is happening at the same time that there is an… Read more »

How To Make Your Summer Memorable On A Budget

How To Make Your Summer Memorable On A Budget As busy working parents you know how difficult it is to plan those big budget vacations that you want your children to experience. Saving for one big vacation a year is a great plan, but that will leave a lot of weekends with a limited amount… Read more »

The World at Your Fingers

The World at Your Fingers The internet has allowed us to have the world at our finger tips.  This is a both an amazing resource for parents and kids, while simultaneously being a tremendous responsibility for parents.  One of the top concerns for parents is managing their kid’s technology usage and access to the internet…. Read more »

Mother’s Day Fun

Mother’s Day Fun Mother’s Day is approaching and we have a few ideas on how you can treat the mom in your life. And, if you’re the mom, these are great “hints” to share with your family! Crafty kids. There are several ways the kids can get involved to make homemade gifts for Mother’s Day that… Read more »

Gardening with Small Children

Gardening with Small Children Gardening is not only a soothing and relaxing hobby for you, it’s also a great way to stimulate your baby’s or toddler’s senses and instill in them the love for growing things. Gardening with your children doesn’t have to be a large or long and drawn out process – in fact,… Read more »