Another Veggie Tale… Here’s a dilemma so many parents face! They’ve got to eat, it’s for their own good and survival… But they can’t stand what’s being offered. There are solutions. John Rosemond, a family psychologist, says a great way to get kids to eat their food is put several small portions of the meal(s)… Read more »
Tanisha Kishan
October is National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month
October is National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden, unexplained death of an infant younger than 1 year old. There is no proven way to prevent SIDS, but parents and caregivers can reduce the risk for SIDS by adhering to a few golden rules. Since 1994, the… Read more »
It’s Pumpkin Time
It’s Pumpkin Time Pumpkins are a hallmark of fall and make a great addition to kid-friendly snacks. Pumpkin is easiest to use in recipes when bought from a can, but fresh pumpkin from the pumpkin patch is also fantastic. Rich in beta-carotene, Vitamin A and Vitamin C, this seasonal favorite is also a nutritional powerhouse… Read more »
Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Still Allowing the Foods They Love
Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Still Allowing the Foods They Love Every parent has the same battle at some point in their lives – getting your kids to eat healthy but not completely depriving them of the foods they love. It can be a challenge, yes, but it doesn’t mean you need a degree in… Read more »
How to Persuade Children to Sleep Alone
How to Persuade Children to Sleep Alone Few parents can resist the temptation to let their little ones snuggle in bed with them, but persuading them to sleep alone at a later date can be a challenge. With patience and persistence, though, it can be done, so here’s how to reclaim your own bed. Choose… Read more »
Parents and Children – We All Need Consistency
Parents and Children – We All Need Consistency Children need consistency. After all, if the same action meets with smiles and praise one day and yelling and punishment the next, how are they supposed to make any sense of the world? Parents need consistency too. Without it, not only do they make a rod for… Read more »
Internet Safety for Families
Internet Safety for Families Internet safety is a relatively new concept for parents to have to worry about, really just evolving over the last 25 years. However, with the constant advancement in technology parents don’t just have to worry about kids getting to problematic sites on the family computer, now you also have to… Read more »
Back to School Doesn’t Have to Mean Back to Stress
Tips for A Stress-Free Morning: The summer is winding down, even as parent’s gear up their kid’s school supplies. Have you noticed how things can get a bit crazy? Some parents–and kids–bemoan how summer just flew by while others are really glad to get back into the school (and kids out of the house) routine…. Read more »
Helping Your Child Set and Achieve Goals
Helping Your Child Set and Achieve Goals As adults we are constantly setting goals for ourselves – whether they have to do with what we need to get done for the day or week for our family or what we need to accomplish to reach a certain milestone in our lives. Setting goals is an… Read more »
Family Fun on a Shoestring Budget
Family Fun on a Shoestring Budget It’s a common thing today: most families have two working parents. It’s a must just to survive, let alone for a family to have anything extra like even a small vacation. Even if you’re careful to watch every penny spent, there are still plenty of ways to have some… Read more »