Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Still Allowing the Foods They Love
Every parent has the same battle at some point in their lives – getting your kids to eat healthy but not completely depriving them of the foods they love. Here are some “rules to live by” when it comes to making sure your kids are maintaining a healthy diet and setting up healthy lifelong habits:
- Remember you are the supply line – you control the apron strings so to speak. Your kids will no doubt pester you for less healthy options but you try to stand your ground on how much of those less healthy options are kept on hand at any given time.
- The clean plate club is overrated. Let your children stop eating when they feel they’ve had enough. This will help to set up good long-term eating habits.
- Start your kids young. Their food preferences tend to develop early so make sure you are providing lots of healthy, colorful choices for them from all of the important food groups.
- Don’t bribe with sweets. Goodies and desserts are fine on occasion but try not to use sweets or dessert as the main reason for eating a meal.
- Set a good example. If your kids see you eating unhealthy foods on a regular basis they’re going to think its okay for them to do it as well. Try to choose healthy foods, have at least one meal all together at the table and do your best not to skip meals during the day.