How to Deal with Sibling Rivalry

How to Deal with Sibling Rivalry If you have children you have no doubt been confronted with sibling rivalry at least once. Dealing with sibling rivalry can be a challenge at times but you don’t always have to deal with the knockdown, drag outs that can come with it. Here are a few tips and… Read more »

How to Avoid Frostbite in Young Kids

How to Avoid Frostbite in Young Kids Winter can be a fun time with your children – snowmen, snowball fights and igloos in the backyard can be a great time for kids of all ages. But it’s also important to dress your children properly for the cold weather to prevent illness and of course, frostbite…. Read more »

3 Questions to Boost Your Child’s Confidence

3 Questions to Boost Your Child’s Confidence Talking about the positive events or accomplishments in your child’s life can have a profound effect on them. It boosts their self-esteem and gives them every reason to expect better things in the future. Help kids build their self-image by asking these questions: What makes you feel proud… Read more »

Encouraging Your Children to Play Outside in the Winter Months

Encouraging Your Children to Play Outside in the Winter Months Playing in the snow is a childhood past time that nearly every child looks forward to. The anticipation of building a snow man or ice fort is enough to drag any child away from the television or video game console, even for a few hours…. Read more »

New Year’s Resolutions Again??

New Year’s Resolutions Again?? Did you make New Year’s resolutions? How about as a family? Here’s some suggestions on making some family resolutions to strengthen your bonds. Eat dinner as a family. Families seem to be busier than ever these days, so making room for consistent togetherness time is even more important. Build confidence in… Read more »

Get Involved in Mentoring

Get Involved in Mentoring Mentoring is one of the oldest teaching methods in the world. Mentoring is really a personal coaching strategy where someone that has a specific skill or subject matter expertise works with another person to impart their knowledge in a very personal and connected way. With January being National Mentoring Month, it… Read more »

Child Discipline – What You Need To Know

Child Discipline – What You Need To Know Some people believe that child discipline is what happens when parents get angry at their child’s behavior. The truth is that discipline is not about punishment or anger; it is about teaching your child and helping him or her to learn and receive guidance as to what… Read more »

Is it Normal?

Curious About Developmental Milestones? Is it “normal” to crawl backwards first? At what age do I stop offering my daughter a binky? When does separation anxiety end? The human body is constantly generating new cells, strengthening abilities, and evolving. Keep track of your child’s amazing growth and get answers to these questions and more at:… Read more »

Spotlight on Excellence – Summer 2022

New Kid on the Block Mariya Graham has only been working at ACWLC-Bermuda Run since March but has already made her presence known.  She joined ACWLC with no education or experience in childcare, but quickly proved to be a valuable team player, excelling in any classroom, and displaying a positive attitude and great motivation.  As… Read more »

Spotlight on Excellence – Spring 2022

A Jill of All Trades Melinda Warren has been with ACWLC-South for nearly ten years and during that time, has proven to be the epitome of a team player.  Though her job title technically says “School-Age Coordinator”, on any given day you can find Ms. Melinda opening the toddler room, serving children lunch from the… Read more »