Gardening with Small Children Gardening is not only a soothing and relaxing hobby for you, it’s also a great way to stimulate your baby’s or toddler’s senses and instill in them the love for growing things. Gardening with your children doesn’t have to be a large or long and drawn out process – in fact,… Read more »
Tanisha Kishan
The World of Make Believe
The World of Make Believe Imaginary playmates are common with young children—studies suggest that 65 percent of children age 7 and younger have had them. Parents sometimes wonder whether they’re a symptom of psychological problems, though. Shouldn’t a well-adjusted child be interacting with real people instead of invisible companions? Don’t worry. Even though the line… Read more »
Energy Tips for Hard Working Parents
Energy Tips for Hard Working Parents Being a parent is hard work, often stressful even in the midst of joy. And if you’re not careful, the pressure and pace can drain you of energy (and patience) when you need it most. For stay-at-home moms and dads trying to keep it all together, here are tips… Read more »
Turn off the TV—Turn on the Music For Your Kids!
Turn off the TV—Turn on the Music For Your Kids! Listening to music may make your children smart, according to many child development experts. Dubbed “the Mozart Effect,” thanks to a 1993 study in which college students’ scores on spatial and temporal reasoning problems improved after listening to the music of the famous 18th-century composer,… Read more »
Get Your Irish on for Saint Patrick’s Day Celebrations
Get Your Irish on for Saint Patrick’s Day Celebrations Even if you aren’t of Irish heritage, this is a wonderful day to celebrate and learn about the culture. For families St. Patrick’s Day offers a wide range of different options that can easily be adapted for kids of all ages from toddlers through to teens…. Read more »
Dental Health Tips for Kids
Dental Health Tips for Kids The development of good dental hygiene is important to everyone, but particularly so for kids. Brushing twice a day is very important and it is also a good idea to make use of cetylpyridinium or chlorhexidine before bedtime. No toothpaste is more effective than another; as long as they are… Read more »
Compassion in Action
Compassion in Action Feelings of compassion can lead your youngster to do nice things for relatives, neighbors, and friends. Consider these ideas for helping your child think about how other people feel and what they need-and encourage them to take action. Talk about it Help your youngster understand the motivation behind kind behavior. First, have… Read more »
Simple and Special Valentines Treats and Presents For Busy Parents
Simple and Special Valentines Treats and Presents For Busy Parents Nothing says “love” better than a homemade gift or treat from your child on Valentine’s Day. Here are a few ideas to help create some handmade gifts and memories with your children: Yarn Heart Cards: Give your kiddos child-safe plastic needles to stitch up some… Read more »
Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day As a parent it is sometimes difficult to plan activities for younger children around some of the historic holidays. It can also be challenging when there are cultural elements to the holiday that you, as a parent, may not be familiar with. As Martin Luther King Jr. Day really… Read more »
Teaching Siblings to Get Along
Teaching Siblings to Get Along Sibling rivalry may be as old as the Biblical story of Cain and Abel. Fortunately, most conflicts between siblings don’t lead to the same tragic result, but they can be distressing to parents and children alike. To keep the peace in your household, follow this advice: Start early. Involve the… Read more »