Simple and Special Valentines Treats and Presents For Busy Parents

Simple and Special Valentines Treats and Presents For Busy Parents Nothing says “love” better than a homemade gift or treat from your child on Valentine’s Day. Here are a few ideas to help create some handmade gifts and memories with your children: Yarn Heart Cards: Give your kiddos child-safe plastic needles to stitch up some… Read more »

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day As a parent it is sometimes difficult to plan activities for younger children around some of the historic holidays. It can also be challenging when there are cultural elements to the holiday that you, as a parent, may not be familiar with. As Martin Luther King Jr. Day really… Read more »

Teaching Siblings to Get Along

Teaching Siblings to Get Along Sibling rivalry may be as old as the Biblical story of Cain and Abel. Fortunately, most conflicts between siblings don’t lead to the same tragic result, but they can be distressing to parents and children alike. To keep the peace in your household, follow this advice: Start early. Involve the… Read more »

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. For many school children, Martin Luther King Jr. day is just another day off of school. While it does indeed provide that extra day of the weekend on the third Monday of January, it also serves a much greater purpose: to honor the great civil rights who spent his life changing… Read more »

How to Deal with Sibling Rivalry

How to Deal with Sibling Rivalry If you have children you have no doubt been confronted with sibling rivalry at least once. Dealing with sibling rivalry can be a challenge at times but you don’t always have to deal with the knockdown, drag outs that can come with it. Here are a few tips and… Read more »

How to Avoid Frostbite in Young Kids

How to Avoid Frostbite in Young Kids Winter can be a fun time with your children – snowmen, snowball fights and igloos in the backyard can be a great time for kids of all ages. But it’s also important to dress your children properly for the cold weather to prevent illness and of course, frostbite…. Read more »

3 Questions to Boost Your Child’s Confidence

3 Questions to Boost Your Child’s Confidence Talking about the positive events or accomplishments in your child’s life can have a profound effect on them. It boosts their self-esteem and gives them every reason to expect better things in the future. Help kids build their self-image by asking these questions: What makes you feel proud… Read more »

Tips for Surviving Snow Days with Kids

Tips for Surviving Snow Days with Kids Surviving snow days stuck at home can be a challenge. Below are a few ways to avoid cabin fever and help you enjoy your family time at home. Keep a special collection of goodies hidden away in case you need them. Hit the local dollar store and stock… Read more »

Encouraging Your Children to Play Outside in the Winter Months

Encouraging Your Children to Play Outside in the Winter Months Playing in the snow is a childhood past time that nearly every child looks forward to. The anticipation of building a snow man or ice fort is enough to drag any child away from the television or video game console, even for a few hours…. Read more »

New Year’s Resolutions Again??

New Year’s Resolutions Again?? Did you make New Year’s resolutions? How about as a family? Here’s some suggestions on making some family resolutions to strengthen your bonds. Eat dinner as a family. Families seem to be busier than ever these days, so making room for consistent togetherness time is even more important. Build confidence in… Read more »